Oil 18"x24"
Contact the artist at ginlammert@yahoo.com or phone: 641-675-3402 if wanting to purchase this painting on stretched canvas.
I'm able to log in more time working with my right hand now (surgery was Aug. 8th, 2008) and can tell some flexibility and strength is coming back. The painting above was started almost a year ago and I'm so happy to finally complete it.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Waiting for the Big one
Size: 5"x7"
Medium: Soft Pastel on rag paper
Status: Available
To Purchase: Contact the artist ginlammert@yahoo.com
This image is of a day my husband and I went fishing at Lake Fisher, Bloomfield, IA.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Never Alone
Size: 5"x7"
Medium: Soft Pastel on 100% rag paper.
Status:available contact artist if interested ginlammert@yahoo.com
I've been experimenting with different paper and pastels. I've discovered I like working on the rag paper best using nupastels, rembrandt and sennelier brand soft pastels. For years I've been devoted to Canson paper and Rembrandt pastels. I've also created works using suede matboard. The softer, buttery pastels, such as sennelier brand, work best on the boards soft surface.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Where the Gravel Ends
Click on image to enlarge
(Last of the trio images shown here as "works in progress" Scroll down to see beginning of work.)
Size: 5"x 7"
Soft Pastel on Canson paper
Status: SOLD
Entry for the 2008 International Small Works Show, Fairfield, IA. For more info about show go to http://www.artlifesociety.org/
My husband and I decided to check out the gravel roads that surround our small community. This particular road turned to dirt after a few miles. You can see the wagon wheel marks caused by the horse drawn buggies of the local Amish.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Early Morning Light
(2nd painting completed from trio of images shown here as "Works in Progress". Scroll down to see beginning.)
Size: 5"x7"
Medium: Soft Pastel on Canson paper
Status: SOLD
Entry for the 2008 International Small Works Show, Fairfield, IA
Date: Nov. 14, 2008 thru Jan. 6,2009
Friday, October 24, 2008
Click on image to enlarge
Size: 5"x7"
Medium: Soft Pastel on Canson paper
Status: SOLDMedium: Soft Pastel on Canson paper
This is the 1st painting completed from the trio I've been showing the progress on.
Entering this piece in the 2008 Small Works Show, Fairfield, IA. For more information about the show, go to following link: http://www.artlifesociety.org/ If you have any questions about this piece, just make a comment below and I'll answer as soon as possible. Part of the growing process as an artist is the feedback I get from you, the viewer.
In progress#2
I'm halfway thru working on these paintings here in this photo.
I have two easels at home.....one with pastels as you see, the other with an oil painting. I also have been able to put in a few hours for the stained glass studio I work part-time for. My hand is healing slowly (after surgery Aug. 8th) and I've been practicing enough with my other hand to feel comfortable and confident enough to "share" the creating process between the two. I can apply brush strokes with my right and do stipple work with my left and still maintain control of how I want my strokes to look. Yes, I'm VERY happy about this development. As my music instructor in elem. school used to drill......Practice! Practice! Practice!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Work in Progress #1(beginning)
Size: Each image 5"x7"
When working on small paintings, I sometimes put up to 3 on my easel at a time. I wanted to share with you the progress on this series of landscapes I'm considering entering in a Small Works Show I've been invited to participate in. Since I don't have a photographic memory, I use photos I've taken as reference material to create with if I'm not working on location.
As you can see, a favorite tool of mine is the small color wheel. I can become too excited sometimes when using my pastels and want to use so many different colors. Having the color wheel handy helps me stay focused on the inital color scheme I want to use in a work.
For information about the Small Works Show, go to http://www.artlifesociety.org/
Monday, October 13, 2008
Me at 53
Size: 20"x16"
Soft Pastel on Canson paper(dark green)
I did this pastel sketch from a digital image that was recently taken of me. 3/4's of this work was done with my left hand. I only used my right hand for touching up small details. I know I keep going on about the use of different hands, but I've never thought of being able to use the opposite of my dominate side. It's taking a long time for my hand to heal after it's injury and surgery. The tendon is taking a long time to calm down so progress is slow. I keep the use of my hand to a minimum so what damage that has been done will not remain perminent. I haven't picked up a brush yet. Working with pastels seems alot easier for me to control the movement of my hand. I still have to "think" my actions thru instead of the strokes or writing coming automatically. I'm just happy to be able to do something related to art. Reading or watching TV/Movies have occupied most of my time. It feels good to put something down on paper.
Soft Pastel on Canson paper(dark green)
I did this pastel sketch from a digital image that was recently taken of me. 3/4's of this work was done with my left hand. I only used my right hand for touching up small details. I know I keep going on about the use of different hands, but I've never thought of being able to use the opposite of my dominate side. It's taking a long time for my hand to heal after it's injury and surgery. The tendon is taking a long time to calm down so progress is slow. I keep the use of my hand to a minimum so what damage that has been done will not remain perminent. I haven't picked up a brush yet. Working with pastels seems alot easier for me to control the movement of my hand. I still have to "think" my actions thru instead of the strokes or writing coming automatically. I'm just happy to be able to do something related to art. Reading or watching TV/Movies have occupied most of my time. It feels good to put something down on paper.
Friday, October 10, 2008
In the Wind
Size: 4"x6"
Soft Pastel on 100% rag paper
This is part of "The Southern Iowa Series" I've started this fall. I believe this old windmill was used for target practice. Thinking of how the wind can sometimes gust up to 50 miles per hour when storms come rushing thru our part of the land, my husband said I should title it "What was that?" If you have any questions about this piece, please don't hesitate to contact me. ginlammert@yahoo.com
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Work in Progress
I wanted to show my easel while working on "White Pumpkins".
I do my share of working from photographs. I've come to rely on my digital camera more and more.
I have to stress though, I wouldn't be satisfied with my work if I didn't have the experience of working from life. I stress this to my students everytime we start new projects.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
White Pumpkins
Size: 6"x8"
Soft Pastel on 100% rag paper
Status: Available
To Purchase: go to http://www.ginlammert.com/ click on ARTWORK, then RECENT WORKS
This is the finished painting I submitted to the blogspot http://differentstrokesfromdifferentfolks.blogspot.com/ created by artist, Karin Jurick. I love Karin's blogspot. I find her work inspirational and hope you'll take the time to check out her sites.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Snack Time
7"x5" soft pastel on 100% rag paper
(top half of framed 2 piece painting. Bottom is extension of top-consisting of image of stems and leaves of coneflower plant.)
Price: (Framed work- $175. This includes shipping and handling)
Status: SOLD
To purchase: Contact the artist ginlammert@yahoo.com , write "coneflower" in subject line
I have several places in my garden that are dedicated to coneflowers. I have hosta planted beside them so it's a beautiful mix of lavenders and pinks when they're all in bloom. This piece is framed in simple gallery shape (mahogony color) wood frame, off white matting with wood fillet around pastels. Overall size of frame: 18"x8" Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Fall in Iowa #1
4"x6" soft pastel on 100% rag paper
Status: SOLD
To purchase, go to: http://www.ginlammert.com/ and click ARTWORK, then RECENT WORKS.
This is another work in "The Other Hand Series". I love living where we can enjoy the season changes and Spring and Fall are my two favorite times of the year. Nothing can beat Mother Nature and I'm so thankful I can witness the spectacular showing of colors during this season. What I love about Pastels is that they help me keep my work loose and colors fresh, not overworked and muddy. When I work on paper, I use spray fixative and layer works to create the depth I want in each painting. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding my work or about lessons. I also welcome custom art commissions. My email is ginlammert@yahoo.com and please post your question in the subject line. You may also call me at 641-675-3402. (That's in Central Time Zone)
Monday, September 22, 2008
North of Pulaski
4"x6" Soft Pastel on 100% Rag paper
Status: SOLD
To purchase work, go to : http://www.ginlammert.com/ and click ARTWORK , then RECENT WORKS.
This is a barn that is only a few miles North of where we live. I plan to do paintings of it showing the 4 seasons. I finished this fall painting just this morning and am still working primarily with my left hand. Even signing works with just my initials since my writing isn't that great. I still have swelling in my dominate hand and am not using it so that the damage there does not become permanent.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Reaching for the Sun
Soft Pastel on 100% Rag paper
Status: Available
To Purchase: go to http://www.ginlammert.com/ click ARTWORK , then RECENT WORKS
I love doing floral paintings in pastel. I just finished cleaning and re-organizing my pastel sticks and seeing all the bright colors inspires me to paint even more garden scenes. I usually reserve this subject matter for projects done in the spring and early summer. This summer I spent time creating raised beds in my garden. I have a mix of perenials and annuals planted everywhere and a vegetable garden that produces wonderful fresh food. I love getting out and feeling the dirt in my fingers. So, you will probably see alot of floral paintings on this blog. I paint them in a variety of sizes and include statues or other points of interest. I hope the fairies love visiting some of the spots I have in the yard.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Mid Day in Southern Iowa

Click on image to enlarge
8"x10" soft pastel on 100% rag paper
Status: Sold
To purchase works go to http://www.ginlammert.com/ and click ARTWORK, then RECENT WORKS.
98% of this painting was completed with my left hand. My signature is just about the only thing done with my dominate right hand. I can write with my left, it's just easier with the other hand. This piece is the beginning of a series of landscape images of Southern Iowa. I tend to work on landscapes and still lifes more in the fall of the year, portrait works during the spring and floral/garden pieces during summer. Yes, I jump around in subject matter but I believe I stay consistent with the quality of work I do in each category. I also move back and forth from Pastels to Oils. Painting with a brush is something I haven't tried yet with my left hand. That will begin this week. I love the saying......"Where there's a Will, there's a Way."
Friday, September 5, 2008
A Touch of Sun

Soft Pastel on 100% Rag paper
Status: Available
To purchase go to http://www.ginlammert.com/ and click ARTWORK then RECENT WORKS
This is the latest in "The Other Hand Series". It's been challenging working with my left hand instead of my right. I find I focus more on just Blocking in color and the values to create a piece. I don't get as caught up in all the details.
I like the "painterly" approach and have strived to work in this manner with my dominate hand.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
"What's That?"

Title: What's That?
Medium: Soft Pastel
Size: 5"x7"
Part of "The Other Hand Series"
Medium: Soft Pastel
Size: 5"x7"
Part of "The Other Hand Series"
We used to have up to 22 cats in our metal barn we use as a garage/garden shed. That gave me the opportunity to get plenty of snapshots for reference material. You never know when that "kodak moment" might trigger something creative to paint. Anyway, now the cats have found happy homes in other's barns that are miles away.
This little firball was 6 weeks old and chasing whatever moved around the flower bed.
To purchase this piece, go to http://www.ginlammert.com/ and click ARTWORK then RECENT WORKS
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
The Other Hand Series

soft pastel on 100% rag paper
I've recently had surgery on my dominate hand and having the need to express myself creatively, I started a series of small soft pastel paintings using my left hand. To my surprise, I had better hand- eye coordination then I thought I would.
Posted is the first in a series of 4 paintings completed within the first couple of weeks after surgery Aug. 8th, 2008.
You may purchase this work by going to my website http://www.ginlammert.com/
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