Thursday, May 27, 2010

Enough for Two

Click on image to enlarge
20"x13" Soft Pastel on paper
This still life was put together by a student of mine during classes in Fairfield, IA this past spring. I enjoyed the challenge of painting the drapery and reflections in the glasses. We didn't open the bottle of wine when we were finished painting. I'm sure the student took it home to savour it's contents later. I plan to frame this painting in one of the frames my husband made for me. (You can see the stack of them in an older post.) I'll have this work at the upcoming show "Art on the Square" June 12th in Oskaloosa, IA. If interested in purchasing before then, please email me at and put the title of artwork in subject line.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

At the Beginning

Click on image to enlarge
What a Wonderful surprise when I made it to Iron & Lace Shop yesterday morning. Someone had picked an Iris and had it in a jar of water in the backroom. I moved it to the front desk and set up to paint. I'm glad I don't need a HUGE space to get started with my pastels. I have a challenge with lighting but I'm going to try and finish the work today. Took a photo....that may be the way I finish this work. It's cloudy/rainy outside this morning and the best light I had to start this was from afternoon sunshine yesterday. We'll see when I arrive this's always an adventure ...never know how the days activities will unfold. More people are traveling about of late and I'm thankful they're finding their way to the store in Bentonsport, IA. Busy!Busy!Busy!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Display at Iron & Lace Store

Found this box at an antique store in Ottumwa, IA. It was originally used as a crate in a greenhouse in Trenton, MO. Now I use it to display the small paintings I do while I'm at the store in Bentonsport, IA. I'm working at Iron & Lace mondays, tuesdays, and wednesdays of the week. The shops in Bentonsport are seasonal businesses...meaning they're only open April thru December. I love the area and get to meet so many people from across the United States and Europe.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Click image to enlarge
5"x7" Oil on canvas board

What a treat! The potter, Betty Printy, of Iron & Lace in Bentonsport, IA has created a breadmaker with her ceramics. Place dough in this container, set it in the oven, and 30 minutes later.....Voila! Delicious, mouth watering bread. She also makes her own jam. I was fortunate enough to have this as a still life to paint before it was all gone. A group of ladies came in the store as I was applying my final strokes of paint to canvas. Needless to say, my still life was gone in a very short time after that.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

At Iron and Lace Store

Click on image to enlarge
7"x5" Oil on canvas board
To purchase: contact me directly at Put "Oil @ Iron/lace" in subject line.

I have a GREAT opportunity to paint small paintings while being at the Iron and Lace Store in Bentonsport, IA. I'm there Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of every week until Dec. 2010. This is a wonderful pot that Betty Printy has created. All of her pottery are signature pieces in that she uses the flower "Queen Ann Lace" as the design in each piece she makes. She presses the flower into the green ware and it fires out during the firing process. This pot was filled with woooden spatulas and spoons.